


On Sunday night, Xiaoming's mother was cooking. When she found that there was no soy sauce, she asked Xiaoming to help buy it. Xiaoming quickly brought a book "Andersen's fairy tale", pretended to look, and said: "wait a moment. I'll buy soy sauce after reading this passage. "


After dinner, my mother washed the dishes and asked Xiao Ming to sweep the floor. Afraid of being tired, Xiao Ming picked up the book and said, "I'll finish reading this article and then scan it." Mother had to sweep the floor herself.


After a while, my mother saw there was no water. She asked Xiao Ming to fetch water. Xiao Ming still remained motionless and said, "wait a moment. This book is so interesting! I'll fetch water after reading this book. "


When his mother brought a plate of fruit for Xiao Ming to eat, she thought Xiao Ming would continue reading. Unexpectedly, he immediately dropped the book and said, "I can't wait!" After that, I went to my mother's fruit plate and grabbed a big red apple.


It seems that Xiaoming is not attracted by books, but does not want to do housework. He's such a slacker!