


Everything has its own name, and I am no exception. Let me introduce my name!


My name is Zhao Chenxi. It has a very special origin. It's not the name of the family, it's the name of the place where you pay for it.


One day, my uncle, father and mother went to Ruize office in Changchun. The people there gave me three names: Zhao Chenxi, Zhao Zihong and Zhao Zijiang. Mom and dad like the name Zhao Chenxi, which means that the morning sun is high in the sky, and the future is full of light and hope. But my grandfather is not happy because according to the genealogy, my name is Zhao Xiang. Finally, because of the insistence of my parents and the support of my grandmother, my name is Zhao Chenxi.


This name has been with me for nine years. I also like this name very much. I hope my future will be as brilliant as my name.