


"Dingling, Dingling," after the exam, the classroom was quiet, and the students were carefully doing the papers. To do the third problem, suddenly, Liang Liang didn't know how to do it. He was in a hurry, and there were drops of sweat on his head.


In a blink of an eye, Liang Liang came up with a way. He asked Lingling at the same table quietly, "Lingling, how to do this problem?" Lingling said the answer. At this time, the teacher came, but did not look.


After school, Liangliang came home with his schoolbag on his back. Dad asked, "how was your exam today?" Liang Liang Leng for a while, he told his father about what he asked his classmates during the exam. Dad said angrily, "if you don't review carefully, of course, you won't be able to do the questions. What should you do?" Liang Liang listened, very sad!


The next day, I went to school and walked into the teacher's office bravely and told the teacher about the examination. The teacher said happily, "this is an honest bright!"