


I, Gong Hanyu, failed in the examination of the second semester of grade two in 2009. The reasons why I didn't get the three good students are as follows:

一。 做作业粗心大意,总是没有看清题目。语文老是不记得打标点符号,写错别字。数学老是把算术符号弄错,加法看成减法,乘法看成除法,计算不记得进位退位。

二。 上课走神,做小动作,没有认真听老师讲课。

三。 上课不积极发言,发言时声音好小,对自己没有信心。

四。 在家不听妈妈的劝导,老是与妈妈闹矛盾。


It is because of the above reasons that my study is backward, and I have not got three good students this semester. I regret that I didn't study hard, so I want to correct the above four problems from now on. I want to study hard and strive for a good grade in the third grade through my own efforts, and get a learning pacesetter. Be an excellent student and a obedient son.