


Mother's Day is coming. What's the gift for my dear mother? I can't make up my mind whether to send cards, small gifts or anything else. I jumped up with joy when I heard the news that the teacher had arranged a mother's Day activity to make sugar gourd for my mother. I really want that moment to come soon!

终于盼到星期六了。在 潘 老师的带领下,我们集体做起了糖葫芦。你看,我们带来了各式各样的水果,有苹果、桂圆、梨等等。看着这么多水果,真是口水都快要流出来了,我们也就迫不及待地做了起来。先把水果切成各种形状,有长方体的,有半圆形的,也有圆柱形的等等。同时还要准备一些白砂糖,干什么呢?告诉你吧,用于沾糖用的。


The most important link of making sugar gourd begins. First put some water, then a little more sugar. First open fire, wait for a bubble and then turn off the fire, until there is a yellow foam. Be careful not to burn your hands when boiling sugar. Finally, I began to dip in sugar. When I dip in sugar, just dip the fruit in the pot. Then string the fruits with bamboo sticks. The candied gourd with good sugar is like crystal fruit. It's so beautiful!


Make sure the sugar is crisp before eating. Sugar is so sweet. It's sweet to my heart. I think my mother received the candied haws that I made with my heart, and her face will be full of bright smiles!