

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. In the hot summer every day, the weather is even more boring. The earth is particularly old under the sun‘s irradiation. When the summer comes, we always like to stay at home and don’t want to go out for a moment. However, it will become boring because of staying at home for a long time. More people will want to go swimming outside, but more people choose to go to the river There are no rescue workers swimming in the water area, so many drowning events occur in summer, and more of them are students. So many painful lessons make us think deeply. The school has also strengthened the importance of students‘ safety in summer vacation. But can’t swimming become our interest? The answer is definitely not. Of course, we can go swimming, but Need to be in a safe area.

I haven‘t swam since I was a child, and seeing those drowning events makes me scared. I dare not go swimming. However, learning to swim can help me save myself at dangerous times, such as falling into the water accidentally. If I don’t have any swimming skills, I don‘t know how to float up. Isn’t this more fatal? So I‘m drowning Therefore, in the case of frequent occurrence, my father also decided to let me learn how to swim, so as to add a skill, and also know how to save myself in accidents.

I didn’t swim at all. I entered the swimming pool, changed my clothes and went to the pool. My father jumped directly. I thought the water was not deep, so I jumped down directly. As a result, I didn‘t know what was sinking at the bottom of the water. Or my father picked me up immediately. My heart was beating fast, and I choked a few saliva. I was even more scared and wanted to take a swim Circle to swim, but the father said: “don’t be afraid, take the swimming circle, then don‘t call swimming, come on, you must be able to, is the lack of courage and confidence. Don’t be afraid of this or that just because you choke a few saliva. Everything has to be tempered before you learn it. ” I whispered, “OK.” Dad said, “take your swimming glasses and take your time.” Then my father first taught me how to swim, and then when to breathe out of the water, when to stretch out which hand, head to that side After learning these, I slowly found a corner to practice slowly, slowly 5 meters, 7 meters, 10 meters I suddenly found that I could control the height of the float, the rhythm of my breath, and I was able to swim all the time. I was very happy. The feeling of learning a skill was like doing the right question that no one could do. I also saw my father happy for me in the distance, so he could enjoy swimming at ease.

In the difficult process of learning swimming, I had the fear, the retreat and the idea of giving up, but finally I persisted and succeeded. The previous fear and fear no longer exist. What‘s more, it makes this sport my favorite sport. I can enjoy the cool in the hot summer and add a skill to myself. Therefore, we must face up to the difficulties bravely and not be afraid of what kind of outcome we can get.