


1. "Pay? I don't want money to eat in the city, let alone eat some rotten watermelons. " ——"Soldier Zhang Ga"

Payment? I have never paid at restaurants in the town, let these stupid watermelons alone。 –‘Little soldier Zhangga’

Payment? I have never paid at restaurants in the town, let these stupid watermelons alone。 –‘Little soldier Zhangga’

12、“别看今天闹得欢,小心日后拉清单! ”——《小兵张嘎》

12. "Don't look at the fun today, be careful to make a list in the future!" ——"Soldier Zhang Ga"

Don’t be cocky today, just be careful of your dog-ass day! –‘Little soldier Zhangga’

3、“要送,要送,不管花多大代价,一定要送! ”——《上甘岭》

3. "To send, to send, no matter how much it costs, to send!" - "Shangganling"

Deliver, deliver, deliver it in spite of any cost! –‘Mountain Shanggan’


4. "The king of heaven and the tiger of earth, the river demon of pagoda town." ——Forest, sea and snow plain

How are you?

Fine,thank you 。 And you ?

Fine,thank you 。 And you?

I"m fine too。 –‘Legend in snowy forest’

I"m fine too。 –‘Legend in snowy forest’


5. "Which part?" ——"Raiding the white tiger regiment"

Which column are you in? –‘Legendary voluntary army’


6. "Stand in, lie out!" - gunshots from the secret service

Come in with stand, and get out with sleep! –‘Pops in secrecy bureau’


7. "The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and you can never defeat the will of the Communist Party members!" - eternal life in fire

Kill me,or slay me, you never beat down a commy’s will! –‘perpetuity in blood and fire’


8. "Since ancient times, no one has died. It is a great honor for me to embrace one's life with the cause of the proletariat's eternal youth." ——Eternal life in fire

Whoever will die at some day。 I’m so honoured for my life with timelessly flourishing proletariate’s career。 --‘perpetuity in blood and fire’

Whoever will die at some day。 I’m so honoured for my life with timelessly flourishing proletariate’s career。 --‘perpetuity in blood and fire’