


I think people should learn from his spirit of not afraid of difficulties and being optimistic and upward. No matter when and where they live, they should strive for even a glimmer of hope and never give up! We should have the same ambition, perseverance and labor as Robinson, and create wealth with our own hands. This holiday, I read the book Robinson Crusoe and benefited a lot. On September 30, 1659, a man encountered a terrible storm on a voyage, overturned the ship, and no one survived except him. He was exiled to an island. With his amazing perseverance and courage, 28 years later, he escaped from the island relying on his own wisdom. This man is the unlucky and lucky Robinson? Krosso. I have lived on a deserted island for 28 years! What an amazing number! We can see how brave Robinson is.


When he first came to the island, he was desperate. He said, "I grieved all day for my miserable environment. There was no food, no house, no clothes, no weapons, no way out, no hope of being saved. At present, there was only death, either swallowed by wild animals or chewed by savages..." But, slowly, his unique personality reflected, full of hope for life, no longer immersed in the pessimism of his design all day, and began to wholeheartedly arrange his life. He built a small house, made a table, a small box, caught a lamb, a dog, planted wheat, rice In this way, he created his own small kingdom with his own hands.


Robinson is still a man of determination. He once said, "my temper is to decide to do something and never let it go if I don't succeed", "I will do my best, as long as I can row, I won't be drowned, as long as I can stand, I won't fall..." He has no assistant, incomplete tools and inexperience, so it takes a lot of labor and a long time to do anything. It takes forty-two days to make a wooden plate. Many of the things he did were in vain and without success, but he never lost heart and was disappointed. He always summed up the experience of failure and started again.


His hard work brought gratifying returns. He finally became a marine, a bread eater, a potter, a plantation, a ranch, and two more "luxurious" residences None of these has come without much effort and difficulty. After reading it, I can't help but reflect on myself: if I live on a lonely island, how many days can I live? One day? Two days? What can I do? Chopping wood? Can you hunt and cook? I'm all thumbs in washing my own clothes! Besides, no one speaks. How lonely! I'll hold it! It can be seen how optimistic Robinson is! I think people should learn from his spirit of not afraid of difficulties and being optimistic and upward. No matter when and where they live, they should strive for even a glimmer of hope and never give up! Like Robinson, we should have ambition, perseverance, love work and create wealth with our own hands!