


Dear students


How do you do! We have only one earth, and the planet on which life can now be predicted depends has only one earth. Due to the large amount of greenhouse gas emissions, scientists pessimistically estimate that the sea level will rise 0 by 2100. 59 meters, many cities will become a Jersey.


Water is a resource that mankind is always in short of. In the next hundred years, two fifths of the world's population will live in a water shortage environment due to environmental pollution.


In recent years, China's resources can spend a lot, for example: water resources, people usually used to wash clothes, cooking, has spent a lot. Unfortunately, what we can see everywhere is still the waste of resources and the pollution of the environment. You see, when you wash your hands at ordinary times, you don't turn off the tap, which leads to a great waste of water resources. We also talk about the forest resources. The flowers, plants and trees in the forest could have been planted and grown like human beings in large quantities. However, our large-scale felling and destruction, used for construction and production, led to the gradual reduction of the forest resources, which could not be planted quickly. There are also biological resources, animals in recent years also gradually reduced, what is the reason? It is because of the large number of human capture, coupled with being hunted by the enemy or sick, resulting in the continuous reduction of creatures. Finally, there are air resources, which is the most important, because each of us is breathing air, however, some factories pollute the air, making the air we can breathe worse and worse. We know that some plants can provide us with air, but the forest has been cut off, how can we survive?


So I call on people to cherish resources and protect the environment, which should start from ourselves. To protect the environment, we should start with little things, change bad habits, turn off the tap and so on. Take care of nature and resources. Never destroy our natural resources and ecological balance. Never let the earth be destroyed in our hands, because there is only one earth.