

Old people should st

  "He has a wide face and a round belly,

  He laughed when a bowl fit jitter, chirpy today jelly,

  He rounded and fat, just as merry old elf,

  When I saw him, almost forgot his laugh. "


  Claus Clement Moore - "St. Nicholas impression."

  On Christmas Eve, children worldwide are driven to early. When they woke up, the first thing to check their stockings have brought Santa Claus.

  Father Christmas of Santa Claus has become the most popular Christmas symbol and traditional. He pulled out a reindeer, filled with toys and gifts to each child sled door-to-door gifts of happy old elf image has deeply in the memory of people.


  Nicholas Santa's history from the original Turkey Myra Nicholas archbishop of Saint Nicholas sage (.). Saint Nicholas with his charity and wisdom and smell. He passed the house, he later rich all the money to the poor people. He allegedly have magic power. He died, and was buried in 340 A.D. Myra.

  11 century religious soldiers from Italy to bring back the saint Nicholas relics in the port city of Italy, and Bari built a church to honor him. Around the world christians quickly around the pilgrimage. The pilgrims who will story of st Nicholas back their native, so the legend of Santa Claus in various countries have distinctive.

  The 12th century Europe saint Nicholas day emerged, to exchange gifts and charitable activities. Germany, France, Holland will be December 6, a religious memorial, give the child and poor people gifts.

  Sintirklass Dutch settlers came to America, they Sintirklass bishop also brought to Sintirklass, dressed in a red cassocks, riding a horse.

  The U.S. image Sintirklass evolve into a happy afterward the old pure spirit. At first the American writer Washington. Owen in his comedy "history of New York will he described as a round the old fat. Clement Moore 1823, poets in his poem "St. Nicholas impression of Saint Nicholas continues Sintirklass/image dramatically, this is beginning to see you in this Christmas.

  In the 1860s cartoon makers Thomas Nash drew a fat, jolly picture of Santa Claus as "Harper of a week. The image of Santa Claus is deeply rooted in the American people began in mind. Over time, the image of Santa Claus moved back to South America, Europe, spread all over the world.

  Many countries have saved themselves about Santa Claus customs and legends. In the Netherlands, the legend of Santa Claus has brought a Sintirklass Black Peter's assistant, rides a ship on December 6. He took a book contains 365pages, describes all the children in the past year. Good children gifts to their children and the bad, let his assistant.

  Germany Santa Claus also took a Knecht called Krampus Ruprecht, or Pelzebock assistant, carrying a bag containing large gifts, with a stick in his hand. Children can be received his gift, but a naughty child to teach some sticks.

  La Befana Italian Santa Claus is Befana La, France's Father Christmas or Santa Claus is Pere Noel, The Santa Claus Christkindl called Swiss Christ or money, The survey of Scandinavia, the area that julenisse or juletomte Christmas man, Britain's Santa Claus and France as Father Christmas (also called the Father of Christmas), he's more than other image of Santa Claus statue, some more thin.

  The Santa Claus is in North America to the sled reindeers children gifts.

  Christmas is the biggest festival in Christianity. 4 the early 20th century, January 6 is the eastern Roman empire, the church was baptized Jesus mark and the double festival, called "(Epiphany (Epiphany, also called" appeared ") that god through Jesus to show the world. Only the road and cold, where only church exception to commemorate the birth of Jesus and not mark of Jesus were baptized.

  Later, historians in Roman christians found in the calendar 354 AD December 25 pages records: "Christ was born in Bethlehem in judah."

  After study, December 25th is Christmas began in May with the Roman church in A.D. 336 A.D.) to Asia minor in 375 Antioch, to Egypt in A.D. 430 Alexander, and in the church of the cold, and accept the Armenian church later is still insist on January 6 Epiphany is the birth of Jesus.

  December 25 is Persian sun (god of light) mithras Mithra (birth of), is a pagan Roman holiday, sun god one kingdom pilgrims. This day is the winter solstice festival ephemeris Roman worship of the sun, all this day as a pagan, all hope of spring. For this reason, may just choose the Roman church as a Christmas day. This is the beginning of the pagan church to the customs.

  Later, although most of the church is to accept December 25th is Christmas, but also all the churches using solid ephemeris different specific dates, unity and not on December 24 to the following January 6 as Christmas feast (Christmas Tide) according to the local church can around specific situation in this period within the feasts celebrating Christmas.

  Since December 25th was recognized as the most churches after Christmas, January 6 Epiphany just remember he was baptized Catholic church, but also put on January 6 as "three Kings to the section", in honor of Jesus was born when the king (dr) to worship the three stories.

  As Christianity spread, Christmas has become a Christian, even the various sects of the Christian is an important holiday. In many countries in Europe, people attaches great importance to this festival, put it together, and New Year celebration activities with lively greatly exceed the New Year, a national holiday.

  December 25 is the main commemorative activities with Jesus was born on the legends.
















  美国的形象sintirklass演变成一个快乐之后老纯精神。首先,美国作家华盛顿。欧文在他的喜剧《纽约历史将他形容为一个圆的老胖。穆尔1823,在他的诗中“圣尼古拉斯印象圣尼古拉斯继续sintirklass /图像显着的诗人,这是开始在这个圣诞节见到你。



  德国的圣诞老人克劳斯也带着一个叫做Knecht Ruprecht Krampus,或pelzebock助理,提着一个包含大量礼品,手里拿着根棍子。孩子可以收到他的礼物,但一个顽皮的孩子教一些棍棒。

  贝法纳意大利圣克劳斯是法国的La Befana,圣诞克劳斯Pere Noel,圣塔克劳斯christkindl称瑞士基督或金钱,斯堪的纳维亚市的调查,julenisse或juletomte圣诞老人的地区,英国的克劳斯和法国的圣诞老人圣诞(也被称为“圣诞之父),他是以上的圣克劳斯雕像等形象,更薄一些。






  后来,虽然大多数教会都接受12月25日为圣诞节,但又固各地教会使用的历书不同,具体日期,团结不是在12月24日至翌年1月6日为圣诞节节期(Christmas Tide)各地教会可以根据当地具体情况在这周围