


Today, I went to the haunted house of Xiangfan amusement park with my brother, mother and Ganma. When brother saw the darkness inside, he was too scared to go in. Mother encouraged us to say, "men should be brave. I believe you must dare to go in and explore". After listening to my mother, we summoned up the courage to enter the haunted house.


The first thing I saw was a ghost in armor. The light from his eyes was blue and blue. He had a big sword in his hand. It was frightening.


Wow....... Wow, suddenly there was a cry. We were scared. I walked a few steps. I felt that something was holding my leg. I saw a ghost hand. I was scared. I wanted to get out of the ghost house quickly. When I was going out, I saw a lot of hooded, toothed, clawed, tusked and grinning ghosts. I ran out of the haunted house in fright. How terrible!