


Today, pigs, bears and monkeys come to the green forest to move wood, because they want to build houses.


When they came to the place where the wood was piled, they saw the big and thick wood and thought to themselves: how to move such a big wood? "I can't use my nose," said the pig So he went away, arching a piece of wood with a round, thick mouth. When the little bear saw the pig go, he thought: my body is strong and strong, so he carried it on his shoulder. He carried the wood away. The little monkey saw that they were all gone. He was in a hurry. He blinked and tried to find a way. When he heard the sound of the river flowing, he thought of a way. So it found a rope, tied one end of the wood tightly, and put it into the river.


When we got home, we all boasted that monkey's method was labor-saving and fast.