


Today, our class held a game of blowing balloons. The rule of the game is: whoever can blow up the balloon in the shortest time will win.


As soon as the voice came down, the students scrambled to raise their hands. The teacher invited the first group: ruoko and leilin. Only if Ke and leilin a drum full cheek Gang, a red face. They all used their milk to blow. At first, the balloon is flat, then, the balloon is like a small pear, then the balloon becomes a small leather ball, and finally it blows into a big watermelon. They blew so big, but the balloon still didn't burst. They were so angry that they stamped their feet.


So we let them step on the balloon. They tied up the balloon and began to step on it. With the sound of "bang, bang", ruoc 's balloon burst first and she won.


Then the teacher asked the second group: Lei Lin and Sun Yu. They went up with confidence, took the balloon and blew it right away. The cheers from the students gathered together. The two sides were even and furious. Finally, when stepping on the balloon, everyone held their breath and looked at them. As a result, when Sun Yu was about to step on it, the balloon flew! The students all laughed. So the teacher solemnly announced: Lei Lin won! When leilington smiled and bloomed, he went back to his seat and said, "I finally won!"! I finally won!


We played several more games in a cheerful atmosphere.


This game is unforgettable to me.