


One evening, little monkey took a lot of colorful circles to play the game of circle in the yard.


The little monkey took the ring and put it on the stump, but it could not.


The color rings are all over the ground. The monkey is very disappointed. At this time, the big white goose came to the monkey and saw the disappointed expression on the monkey's face and said, "let's play together"!


The little monkey was grateful and asked, "how can we play?"

大白鹅说:“你来丢圈圈,我来接圈圈就可以了。” 于是,他们就玩了起来。小猴丢一个,大白鹅伸出长长的脖子接一个,小猴如果丢偏了,大白鹅就跑过去接;小猴如果丢高了,大白鹅就飞起来接。最后,圈圈全都套在大白鹅脖子上,像项链一样美丽动人。他们玩的非常开心。

The big white goose said, "if you want to lose the circle, I will take it." So they played. If the little monkey loses one, the big white goose stretches out its long neck to take one. If the little monkey loses one, the big white goose will run to take it. If the little monkey loses one, the big white goose will fly to take it. Finally, the circle is all around the neck of the white goose, as beautiful as a necklace. They had a great time.


Because it's the happiest to play together.