


Today, the teacher asked us to write about the happiest things, but there are so many things I'm happy with. When I think about it, I think of one of the happiest things - I became a little Miss Zhao.


There is a problem, students can't, I can't, the teacher will tell us, let's follow the teacher. Students did not learn, I learned, I raised my hand bravely, the teacher really called me, I said this problem right. The teacher asked the students to encourage me. The students called me "Miss Xiao Zhao" in unison. I was very happy after listening.


When I got home, I told my parents about it. They were very supportive of me as "little Zhao teacher". I'm so happy. In order to be "Xiaozhao teacher" next time, I will work harder. I hope that one day, I will really become a Xiaozhao teacher.