

全家人都喜欢兰兰画的这张画。 爸爸刚下班回来,拿起画,看了又看,把画帖在了墙上。兰兰不明白,问;我只是画了自己的小手啊!我有那么多画,您为什么只贴这一张呢?

The whole family like the picture drawn by LAN LAN. Dad just came back from work, picked up the painting, looked at it again, and put it on the wall. Lan Lan didn't understand, she asked. I just drew her little hand! I have so many paintings. Why do you only post this one?

爸爸说;这胖乎乎的小手替我拿过拖鞋呀! 妈妈下班回来,看见画笑着说;这胖乎乎的小手给我洗过手绢啊! 姥姥从厨房出来,一眼就看见了画上红润润的小手,说;这胖乎乎的小手帮我挠过痒痒啊!兰兰明白了全家人为什么都喜欢这张画。她高兴的说;等我长大了,小手变成了大手,它会帮你们做更多的事情!

My father said, "this chubby little hand has held my slippers for me!"! When my mother came back from work, she saw the painting and said with a smile, this chubby little hand has washed the handkerchief for me! When grandma came out of the kitchen, she saw the red hands on the painting and said, "this fat hand has tickled me!"! Lan Lan understood why the whole family liked the picture. She said happily, when I grow up, small hands become big hands, it will help you do more things!