


I read a classic "Avanti" story in the morning. This book tells a story about Avanti and a master of Bayi. I like Avanti because he is very smart and kind. Help the poor. For example, in the story of "one thing, three meals", he met an old man in the street, who sat alone at the corner of the wall, silent. Afanti thought: there must be something wrong with this big brother. So he asked, "brother, what can I do for you?"? The old man said: "the king ordered me to find one thing and three food in three days, but it was the third day, and I still couldn't find it. I think the king will be very angry. " Afanti listened, hurriedly took the old man to buy a Hami melon, and went into the palace with the old man. The king was very angry to see the old man holding a cantaloupe in his hand. Afanti saw it and said, "king, this big brother has met your requirements. You can eat the flesh, the skin and the sheep, and the chicken. I learned from this story the wisdom and kindness of Avanti. I also hate master Bayi, because he wants to learn difficult Avanti, but fails every time. Because Avanti is smart! Master Bayi is also stupid.


When I grow up, I want to be as smart as Avanti, but not as stupid as master Bayi, because I will suffer losses!