

今天 ,我和爸爸妈妈一起去外婆家过年。

Today, my parents and I went to my grandmother's house for the new year.

一进外婆家我就嚷嚷着要骑三轮车, 那三轮车可是外婆的宝贝,它经常伴着外婆走村窜户,上东街跑西街的,还得接送我的小表弟。骑上它还一路吱嘎吱嘎叫得挺欢,其实呀,骑着它比走路快不了多少。外婆一听到我的叫唤,赶紧笑呵呵地迎了出来,嘴里喊着:“哎哟,我的小祖宗、乖外孙女来了。你要骑三轮车?”“是的,外婆,我要骑着玩!”“哎哟,那三轮车啊,早让你舅舅给当废铁卖了,现在条件好了,哪个还骑那破玩意啊,你瞧:外婆也赶上了时髦,骑上了电瓶车,那可比老爷三轮车好使得多!”说完,外婆乐呵呵得笑了起来。我也跟着外婆乐了!

As soon as I entered my grandmother's house, I would shout to ride a tricycle. That tricycle is Grandma's treasure. It often accompanies grandma to go to the village and go to the West Street. It also has to pick up my little cousin. It's a joy to ride on. Actually, it's not much faster than walking on it. As soon as grandma heard my call, she came out with a smile and shouted, "Oh, my little ancestor and good granddaughter are here. You want to ride a tricycle? " "Yes, grandma, I want to ride!" "Oh, that tricycle was sold as scrap iron by your uncle. Now it's in good condition. Who can still ride that crap thing? Look, grandma has also caught up with the fashion and rode the battery car. It's much better than the master's tricycle!" With that, grandma laughed happily. I'm happy with grandma, too!