

我叫崔旭男,今年5岁了。我在育英小学上一年级。我可是个聪明 而又听话的孩子。

My name is Cui Xunan. I'm 5 years old. I'm in the first grade of Yuying primary school. I am a clever and obedient child.

刚上学时,我都不会坐 ,总是像在家里坐沙发一样的躺在椅子上。在老师的帮助下,我知道了上课应该坐直而且要专心听讲积极举手回答问题。

When I first went to school, I couldn't sit. I always lay on the chair like I was sitting on the sofa at home. With the help of my teacher, I learned that I should sit up straight in class and listen attentively and raise my hands to answer questions.

半年来,我学会了很多东西。学了汉语拼音后我能自己独立阅读《成语故事》、《格林童话》……学习了“自己去吧”我知道了自己的事情自己干,学了“小黄莺唱歌”我懂得了做事要勇敢些; 不过我最喜欢的还是“好奇的孩子”中的爱迪生,他喜欢观察事物,又爱思考问题的习惯真值得我学习。

In the past six months, I have learned a lot. After learning Chinese Pinyin, I can read idiom story and Green's fairy tale independently After learning "let's go by myself", I know how to do things by myself. After learning "singing by little yellow warbler", I know how to be brave in doing things. But my favorite is Edison in "curious children". His habit of observing things and thinking about problems is really worth learning.


I know clocks and watches in math class, and I learn to introduce myself in English class


It's nice to be in the first grade. I have a lot of knowledge to learn.