


At dinner, we talked about handicrafts, and then we talked about typing. I was almost as good as my father. I said, "I can type faster than you!" Dad said, "I can type faster than you!" Mom said, "let's have a competition. I'll work out the problem."


After supper, my mother chose a topic for us in Jinshan typing.

开始比赛了,我先打,过了一会,我打完了,平均3秒钟一个字,该爸爸打了,我看着爸爸打字,我特别紧张, 怕爸爸超过我,爸爸一直占有优势,后来,差距越来越近,平分了,马上就要结束了,哎!刚要结束的时候,爸爸得了一分,结束了。我输了,就输那么一点。

At the beginning of the competition, I played first. After a while, I finished typing, with an average of 3 seconds. It was my father who played. I watched my father typing. I was very nervous. I was afraid that my father would surpass me. My father always had an advantage. Later, the gap was getting closer and closer, and the score was even. It was going to end soon. Ah! Just at the end, my father scored one point, and it was over. I lost, just a little bit.


I will continue to work hard and surpass my father!