

这次国庆节妈妈带我去老家的时候,我很高兴,妈妈带我去山上采毛栗,,我被山上的虫子蛰了一下,妈妈和阿爷也被蛰了一下,我哭了,好痛啊,我们在山上照了采毛栗的相,我们采到可多毛栗了,高高兴兴的回家了,在回家的路上,我看见了许多长在地里的芝、gan zhe(甘蔗),红薯,还见了花和野草莓,我心里真高兴,高兴的都不知道星期几了。 中午妈妈说下午还去,我说我不去了,我怕蛰,最后妈妈下午不去了,下午妈妈带我和qiqi去看jiujiu(舅舅)钓鱼了,钓上来好多好多的鱼啊,但是jiujiu都把小鱼(不到一斤的鱼)放回池塘里去了,超过一斤的带回家做给我吃。

When my mother took me to my hometown on the national day, I was very happy. My mother took me to pick chestnut on the mountain. I was stung by insects on the mountain. My mother and my grandfather were stung. I cried. It hurt so much. We took photos of picking chestnut on the mountain. We picked more chestnut. We went home happily. On the way home, I saw a lot of Zhili growing in the ground I am so happy that I don't know the day of the week. At noon, my mother said that I would not go in the afternoon. I was afraid of stung. At last, my mother didn't go in the afternoon. In the afternoon, my mother took me and Qiqi to see Jiujiu (uncle) fishing. There were many and many fish caught. But Jiujiu put the small fish (less than a jin of fish) back into the pond. More than a jin of fish was taken home for me to eat.


I've learned a lot from going back home this time. I'll go back home more in the future.