


My father is a dragon. I'm not wrong. This year, my father's work is going well. Only when he shows his strength can he create brilliant achievements in history.

家里,工作事业全照顾得有条有理。 在说我妈妈,也和我爸爸一样属龙,可一点也不像龙。她每天很早就起床,扫地,烫衣服,做家务,到象属牛的,辛勤劳动。不求回报! 现在该讲我了,我属马,从不迟到早退,长得瘦瘦长长的,做作业又快又准,跑步没能胜过我。

At home, work and career are all taken care of in an orderly way. My mother, like my father, is a dragon, but not a dragon at all. She gets up very early every day, sweeps the floor, irons the clothes, does the housework, looks like belongs to the cow, the hard work. No reward! Now it's time to talk about me. I'm a horse. I'm never late or leave early. I'm thin and long. I'm fast and accurate in my homework. I can't beat me in running.


Human beings have invented the genitals. How interesting they are!