


The rabbit lives in a beautiful forest. There are mountains and thick woods behind her house. The yard in front of the house is full of colorful flowers, attracting butterflies to dance in the flowers. Little rabbit is very hard-working. He often cleans the doors and windows, washes the floor, sweeps the yard and cleans the house.

一天早晨,阳光灿烂。兔妈妈对小兔说:“趁今天的天气这么好,你和妈妈一起去地里摘萝卜。”小兔高兴地说:“好啊!” 她们提着篮子来到地里,只见地里的萝卜长得又红又大。兔妈妈摘了一些又红又大的萝卜,小兔也摘了许多。小兔高兴地想:这么好的萝卜,肯定很好吃,我回家要和弟弟妹妹一起吃。小兔把想法告诉了妈妈,妈妈表扬她是个乖孩子。

One morning, the sun was shining. Mother rabbit said to the rabbit: "take advantage of the weather today so good, you and mother go to the ground to pick radishes." "Good!" said the little rabbit happily They came to the field with baskets, only to see the turnips grow red and big. Mother rabbit picked some red and big radishes, and little rabbit picked many. Rabbit happily thought: such a good radish must be delicious. I'll eat it with my brother and sister when I go home. The little rabbit told his mother what he thought, and her mother praised her for being a good child.