C. It's June 1st. 是6月1日。D. It's on August 8th.在8月8日



A. Yes, it is.

B. There is a cake on the table.

C. It's June 1st.

D. It's on August 8th.

E. It's in May.

(_____)1. When is your birthday?   

(_____)2. What is the date?   

(_____)3. Is it in May or June?   

(_____)4. What's on the table?   

(_____)5. Is it in August?

【答案】1.D    2.C    3.E    4.B    5.A   



A. Yes, it is. 是,是的。

B. There is a cake on the table. 桌子上有一个蛋糕。

C. It's June 1st. 是6月1日。

D. It's on August 8th.在8月8日。

E. It's in May. 在5月。

1. 句意:你的生日在什么时候?问生日,用D. It's on August 8th.回答。故答案为:D。

2. 句意:是几月几号?用C. It's June 1st. 回答。故答案为:C。

3. 句意:它在wu yue还是六月?用E. It's in May. 回答。故答案为:E。

4. 句意:桌子上有什么?用B. There is a cake on the table.回答。故答案为:B。

5. 句意:它在八月份吗?用A. Yes, it is.回答。故答案为:A。