


Bill and Sam ___middle school students. They are both fourteen ___.They are Young Pioneers. They are ____Grade One. There are ____ classes in Grade One. Bill is in Class One, and Sam is in Class Six. In Sam’s class there are ____ students. Twenty - five students are girls. There are forty-three students in ___ class. Twenty students are boys. And There are thirty - four Young ____ in Bill’s class. In Sam’s class there are thirty ____. Bill and Sam are good students, and they are good friends, ____. They often help others ____school things.

【1】A .is        B. are               C .am        D. have

【2】A. year         B. old              C. years old   D. year old

【3】A. in         B. on               C. at        D. from

【4】A. five        B. four             C. two        D. six

【5】A. fourty-two B. fourty — five   C. forty-five  D. forty five

【6】A. Sam’s      B. Bill’s          C. Sam      D. Bill

【7】A. Pioneers B. pioneers         C. Pioneer      D. Pioneer

【8】A. one         B. one’s           C. ones      D. ones

【9】A. two         B. all              C. too         D. Both

【10】A. for do   B. do              C. and to do D. with do

















【2】他们两个都十四岁。...岁,用词组“...year old”.由十四可判断year应为复数,故答案为years old。





【7】句意:有三十四个少先队员在比尔的班级里。这里少先队员属于专有名词的固定用法“Young Pioneers”。细心的同学可在第一行句句末找到答案。



【10】句意:他们经常帮助别人做学校的事情。Help sb do sth/ help sb to do sth。故横线处应为动词原形。所以答案为“do”。