


Uta, a 14-year-old German girl, traveled alone in Europe during the summer vacation. When she met Deng Xiaojie, a Chinese girl, in Rome, UTA had gone to France, Switzerland, Austria, Venice, Milan and Florence in Italy, ready to go to Greece. The story about UTA is included in the Chinese textbook of the fourth grade of primary school. That is a skimming text.


The students in the class kept shouting after reading the text. I asked them what they kept shouting. "We also want to travel. I envy UTA. " I said, "didn't the school organize you to go to happy valley the other day?" Acute son he Zhuoyu said: "that is the teacher to take, not free at all, not count."


It's a big thing for our children to travel, either with their parents or with their teachers watching. The tour group has two teachers in charge of each class, and the school also requires the class teacher to follow the team. In a word: don't worry. I remember teaching grade 2 two years ago. The school organized students to play in a scenic spot in this street. Half a day later, five parents called and asked, "how is your child? Please ask the teacher to drink more water and tell him not to run around or fall down... " Our children grow up in a safe place defined by their parents, teachers and society. However, it is ironic that China is far ahead of the world in terms of the accidental injury rate of children.


After reading the text, I asked the students to talk about their views on UTA's traveling alone in Europe. Wang Qian said eagerly, "I think it's dangerous for UTA to do this. A 14-year-old girl who goes out alone and goes to so many countries is easy to be cheated. " Zhu suijie, the girl, immediately replied, "it doesn't mean that UTA has designed the travel route and schedule for a long time, and checks the telephone number of the police station at each place, so as to ask for help in case of danger and difficulty." A small voice came from the corner. It was a lovely little girl, Xu Shuxin, who said, "is it safe to know the phone number of the police station? Why is my cousin cheated to Guangxi to do MLM and now she can't find it? " The problem is so acute and complicated that I have to pretend not to hear it.


"Smart Peng Jianfeng immediately pointed out:" Wuta is impossible to travel, she is a child, which money to travel I said, "read the fifth paragraph." In order to earn travel expenses, UTA goes to help restaurants or supermarkets distribute advertisements every weekend, and goes to other people's homes to play with children during holidays. Peng Jianfeng's family runs a restaurant. After reading this passage, Peng Jianfeng immediately raised his hand: "teacher, the wages of our hotel workers are very small, they only have a few hundred yuan. How can UTA earn money from working in a restaurant to travel around Europe?" I have to say, "wages are high in Europe." Peng Jianfeng was relieved: "I also want to travel, but I can't earn money." Yes, it's difficult for adults in China to find a job to support themselves. Traveling is a luxury, let alone children. Moreover, China is against child labor.


Zhu ziqiao, a well-informed man, said, "teachers, it's very difficult to get a visa when going abroad. How can I get a visa if I want a lot of money to go to so many countries? " In addition, there are 23 countries in the world who hold the general passport of the people's Republic of China for business and are exempt from visa. In Europe, there are 9 countries, such as Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Montenegro and Macedonia. It seems that it is almost impossible for ordinary Chinese children to travel to Europe.


Traveling around the world, even in other provinces, is really intentional but powerless for our children. But fortunately, the children finally concluded, "we should learn from the spirit of independence, independence in life, and not travel."


The public opinion always beats the Chinese children's independency to the Chinese parents, but in fact, under the appearance of the concept problem, it is a more complicated economic and political problem.