


On Friday afternoon, in the third class, the teacher walked into the teacher and said, "today, let's relax and play a game." We cheered happily.


At the beginning of the game, the teacher wrote four big words on the blackboard: "look at the numbers and guess the words:" the teacher explained: "I write two numbers, and you say an idiom according to these two numbers." Then the teacher wrote a 1 and a 2. The spirit ghost in our class raised his hand and said, "unique". To be honest, what else? Wang Mingya said, "one mind, two minds. Hearing Wang Mingya's words made the whole class laugh. The teacher made a mistake. Later, some of us frowned, some of us raised our chin, and some of us were looking at the idiom dictionary. While we were thinking, Lu Jiale said, "one stroke, two pieces." Then, Wu Jia behind me said, "I'm poor and I'm poor. Others raised their hands and said, "it's clear." one divides into two. clean out completely. Kill two birds with one stone. One does not do two endlessly.......


The second round of guessing began. The teacher wrote 3 and 4 on the blackboard. Before I thought of any idioms, Linna in our class said, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. "And then there's our class's smart guy," pick and choose. " Later, a lot of students raised their hands in the class.

第三轮猜词开始了,老说说:“这一轮猜词有一定难度,你们有信心吗?同学们齐声回答:“有。”老师在黑板上写了三个数1。2。和5。有人举起了手,这回可不是我们班的机灵鬼啦,是胡雨晴,她说:“丢三落四。“老师说:“为什么是丢三落四。”因为1。2。5之间少了3和4,老师表扬了她。大家想了半天也想不出来,这时老师提示到,你们也可以用加减法的方法呀!我顿时想了出来说:“5+2+7 ,7+1=8”。听我这么一说,大家明白了,杨柳青说:“七上八下”。


We were having a good time when class was over and we left the classroom reluctantly