

开学的第一天放学以后,我和姐姐一起到小区的游泳池游泳。 游了几个来回,我觉得有点儿单调,就对姐姐提议:“姐姐,我们来比赛吧!”


"Than what?" Sister asked


I thought for a moment and said, "let's fight for table tennis. The rule of the game is to throw the ball out and swim over. Whoever grabs the ball first wins."


The elder sister refuses to accept defeat to say: "good!"


So I took a ping-pong ball from my swimming bag and we started the first game. In the first game, my sister got the ball faster than me and won the game. I'm still swimming slowly in the back!


The second game started again. I secretly decided that I would use my best "breaststroke" to compete with my sister this time. At this time, my mother volunteered: "I'll be the referee for you!" My sister and I said in unison, "OK!" Mother hurled the ping-pong ball hard into the distance! At one command: "prepare - start!" When my sister and I heard the command, we immediately swam forward. Swim and swim. Seeing that I'm about to grab the ball, I was pushed by a kid's hand and got the ball far away again. I swam quickly and hard. I thought to myself: I don't know where my sister swam? I turned around and saw that my elder sister was still behind me. I was secretly happy in my heart: ha ha! I'll win this time. In this way, I unconsciously slowed down. My sister saw me and swims faster. As a result, my sister overtook me and grabbed table tennis. "Great, I won again!" When I heard my sister's cheers, I knew I had lost again!


When I got home, I said to my sister unconvinced, "you are so powerful that you can overtake me when I don't pay attention!" "You can't put the blame on others if you lose," said the elder sister I'm ashamed to hear that.