


Today, Mr. Zhang asked us to do an interesting activity - to be a "wooden man".


The teacher first taught us a children's song, I read it: "we are all wooden people, can't say, can't laugh!"! Can't move, can't scream! We are all wooden people, who can do the best! " The teacher said that this nursery rhyme is to make the rules of the game "wooden man". We read it again, and all of a sudden, the class was silent, no one was laughing, no one was moving.

一个男同学,他踮着脚尖,做了个猴子样,没坚持多久,就倒在椅子上了。少数同学笑起来了。还有一个同学,他两脚叉开,身体向后看着同学们。 老师又让我们同桌轮流当“逗笑人”和“木头人”。先是我当“逗笑人”,我左看右看上看下看,终于把同桌逗笑了一点点,但她马上又不笑了。该我当“木头人”了,同桌先做了个鬼脸,没有把我逗笑,她又挠我的胳肢窝,我还是忍住没有笑。


The game is over. The teacher said that he would play it in every class. I feel very happy.