Back home in twenty years


"Ring bells, ring bells,"my alarm went off, looking up at the calendar, November 26, 2037, calculated that I had left my hometown for twenty years! What has changed in my hometown? Look at your hometown.

I dragged my suitcase to New York airport in the United States, and after I got on the plane, I heard the sweet Chinese of the stewardess, and I seemed to have met relatives and friends who had not been reunited with me for a long time...

Twenty years ago, in order to study, I flew to America for a dozen hours. Today, it took me more than two hours to travel from New York to gaozaki airport in New York on the C258.

Just off the plane, a strange bus came towards me. The driver said,"although the car only has two tires, it can travel very fast! It's speeding. It's 200 kilometers in the fastest. Of course, its speed is controllable, and it doesn't have to worry about sending a long distance. It doesn't need refueling, it's the carbon dioxide that people breathe out to make energy; It comes out not flying and dust, but the oxygen we need."Wow, no wonder I think the air is so fresh!

The car stopped and I went to my aunt's. She greeted me at the door, and when we met, we talked about my childhood twenty years ago. Looking up, my aunt's house is really beautiful. I am amazed at the overall shape and the exterior decoration. I walked into the room and sat down, the air conditioning and the wall-to-wall TV was automatically opened, and the robot sitter offered me milk tea. My aunt also told me,"the material in this house is a new type of plastic board, and the walls are translucent. Once the lights are turned on, it is like walking into the night market in Hong Kong. It is beautiful and magnificent.""Even New York,"I said,"even New York!"

The next day, my aunt took me to visit zhongshan park, which is not called zhongshan park. It was renamed"man and nature park". We were playing with a little golden monkey, and all of a sudden"plop", a child fell into the water, and my heart raised my throat. Then a dolphin jumped out of the water, and it was amazing that it was swimming towards the shore with the boy who was drowning."What does it want?"It will return the child to his parents."My aunt said. The child's parents were so happy that they almost jumped out of the water and hugged the dolphin. Looking at my surprise, the aunt explained,"it is not surprising that our hometown has realized the harmony between man and nature."

I can't help but be surprised at my hometown, two decades later, the change of hometown is really big ah! I am proud of my hometown, and I love my hometown more.