My home computer


Computer, since the 21st century in China each family. Theory of its history, it is a"big man". The first computer came into being in 1946, since then, the computer technology in the rapid change, become dramatically.

This computer was bought father this year. Its model is: asus K30BD_A_F_K31BD desktop computers.

Operating system: Windows 8.1 64. Motherboard: asus K30BD_A_F_K31B memory: 4 GB (Kingston DDR3L 1600 MHZ). The main hard: Toshiba DT01ACA050 (500 GB / 7200 r/min). Video: AMD Radeon HD8490 (1 GB/asus). Monitor: TPV AOC2080 2080 w (19.4 inches). Drive: asus DVDROM DH60N DVD drive. Sound: realtek ALC887 @ AMD High Definition Audio Controller. Nic: realtek RTL8168/8111/8112 Gigabit Ethernet Controller/asus.

Mouse: small fairy, a black skin of showy, labelled two English letters, a long wire connecting the host, the mouse is an essential part.

Keyboard: black body, was full of text above, there are English letters, manipulation of key, mathematical Numbers, there are some key, I also not know, but looks are important, this is my keyboard.

Host: whole body black, it has a lot of buttons, mileage host computer is the most important.

Speaker: black and white, very beautiful, the computer speak mainly rely on it. Monitor: black frame frequency of black, a base here, you can't see in the computer file, so, it is also very important.

Computer can be the most fantastic great inventions of the 20th century, but no matter how advanced it is, the more magical, he also does not have the brain clever, all his instructions or from the wisest man. As long as people dare to try, you will create a more magical.