


Since the hare and tortoise lost to the tortoise in the race, he was not convinced. So he went to the tortoise to discuss and decided to compare again.


On the day of the match, the tortoise knew that he could not compete with the rabbit by strength, so he drank a whole can of forbidden "stimulants" and was ready to throw the rabbit away.


"Bang", the sound of the gun, the rabbit ran out quickly, but the tortoise ran more than ten times faster than the rabbit. No matter how hard the rabbit chased, it was useless.

兔子一会儿就跑累了,就坐在一个大树桩上休息。兔子边休息边想:乌龟这小子吃错药了吗,这么快?对了,肯定吃了“兴奋 剂”,这可是违反体育道德的哦!它被发现就惨了。兔子想完后,继续飞快地奔跑。等兔子到达终点时,裁判刚想把金牌颁给乌龟,兔子就说:“乌龟肯定服用了‘兴奋剂’!”


After investigation, the tortoise did take a lot of "stimulants". Finally, the rabbit won a precious gold medal, while the tortoise was banned for five years because of taking "stimulant".