


I got a young turtle with a 50 yuan ring


It's very small, but it's very cute. The small head can stretch like a spring, the eyes are small and bright, and there is a "super house" and "Super Cup" on the back. A short tail is particularly cute. Four feet can be retracted freely into and out of the house.

我们班潭秒、冉川、我三个人有小乌龟。虽然我们三个人都有乌龟,但养法却不一样。我和冉川说:“乌龟也一样要冬眠,还是让它做一场温暖的美梦吧!”这是因为我们做过一次实验:我从温暖的地方把乌龟拿出来,放在一个大约一寸长的地方,乌龟却一只往温暖的地方跑。我开始看见乌龟的眼睛是睁开的。天冷了,奇怪的事发生,小乌龟的眼睛突然闭上了,哦,小乌龟冬眠了。我把它放在温暖的地方让他舒服的睡上一个大觉 。就这样,我们和小乌龟成了好朋友。

There are three little turtles in our class: tansecs, ranchuan and I. Although all three of us have tortoises, the breeding methods are different. Ran Chuan and I said: "the tortoise also wants to hibernate, let it have a warm dream!" this is because we did an experiment: I took the tortoise out of the warm place, put it in a place about an inch long, and the tortoise ran to the warm place one by one. I began to see that the tortoise's eyes were open. It's cold. Strange things happen. The little turtle's eyes suddenly close. Oh, the little turtle is hibernating. I put it in a warm place for him to sleep comfortably. In this way, we became good friends with the little turtle.


When I move my pen tip, I feel the feeling that trust often creates a beautiful realm.