

2008年8月24日晚上,经历了16天的第29 届奥运会在北京“鸟巢”闭幕,在这16天里,我们感受了无数个的奇迹和惊喜!中国代表团也获得了从未有过的骄人成绩,我为此感到无比自豪。


The countdown to 10 seconds, the audience began to count down, to "0, the bird's nest suddenly erupted flame, like a circle, it symbolizes the successful end of the Olympic Games. Fireworks, music and drums brought the atmosphere to a climax. The closing ceremony is divided into three sections: Section One: meeting and greeting. First of all, the drum and the ring of silver bell wagons are dancing on the stage; then, the flags of 204 delegations enter the arena, forming a boundless ocean; then the athletes enter the arena, one by one, elated. Section two: memory and the extinction of the flame. Section three: Carnival. Chinese and foreign singers sing passionate, energetic and dynamic songs. The closing ceremony shows the hospitality of the Chinese people and shows their reluctant farewell and sincere friendship.


The next Olympic Games will be held in London, UK in 2012. I look forward to meeting with the Olympic Games again!